Pokiaľ máte chuť prečítať si takéto, alebo podobne "zaručené" informácie, radšej otvorte niektorý z našich "vhodných" denníkov. Z tých na vás aspoň nič nevyskočí. Nová kampaň v podobe napodobnených stránok, zväčša porno, sa snaží upútať ako sa len dá. A verím, že sa jej to aj darí. Povedzme, viac v anglicky hovoriacich krajinách, ale napriek tomu, naša úroveň anglickej gramotnosti je tiež vysoká. Miesto obsahu stránok na Vás však čaké "nutne potrebný programík" na stiahnutie, ktorý už svoje dokončí aj bez Vás. A akože to na sebe tie maily upútavajú pozornosť ? No, asi takto (dané stránky sú zväčša legitímne, no zneužité):
Ronaldo crippled after surgery
Investments in oil pay off bigtime
US Olympic trials tragedy, javelin kills promising sprinter while warming up
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Microsoft bought over Yahoo's board of directors
Alex Rodriguez admits to infidelity, Madonna was just to irresistible
hXXp://sohodesign-ec.com/main. html
Nadal caught with prostitutes
Trying your best too woo here is not enough, you need a mighty pecker.
hXXp://www.noniforlife.de/main. html
Shipment of enriched uranium lost, believed to be stolen by Iranians
hXXp://www.marcvelasco.com/main. html
Nicole Kidman gives birth to new baby
Millions outraged over Medicare benefit cuts across the board for all Americans
hXXp://mekano.fr/main. html
This is called the orgasmic orbital technique, you need to learn it.
Dying for a flaming hottie, ram the slutty devil tills she cry foul.
Orgies discovered in Hollywood
George W Bush seeks to start war against Iran, appeals to Senate
Outcry over Democrat voting irregularities
She will listen to evvery of your commands if you have this.
Pitcher's skull split open by pitch
Hilary Clinton screams bloody murder over loss, vows revenge on Obama
Find out how to save hundreds monthly on your gas
Do you wish to have a giant size man meat like the one shown here?
Alex Rodriguez hot steamy adulterous pics with Madonna
Russia launches nuclear plant
Basic strategies to hook yourself up with all the girls out there.